Friday, December 3, 2010

My Morning

5:20AM I turn the alarm off on the second beep. Slip from the bed, fish around in my dresser drawers for socks and a tee shirt. Quiet, I try not to wake him. I open the door to a dark closet in a dark room. Inside my hands feel the texture of my work shirt and the smooth fabric of my pants. I grasp my bundle of clothes and tiptoe off to the kitchen to dress, the cat is waiting for a morning treat and the dog soon follows, to be let out, then back in, than back to bed for him. Lazy dog. I heat some iced coffee from the fridge in the microwave, while I pour a bowl of cereal, usually something wheaty or branny. I take my vitamin, and slurp down some coffee, while I wait for my cereal to get mushy like I like it. I start rounding up the things I need to leave for work. Keys, phone, wallet, bike helmet, bike light, what to take for lunch, bike light, where did I put the bike light. I spend five minutes looking for the bike light. Turns out it's in my bag, with lunch. Helmet on, grab my bag, forget my gloves, grab the bike and head outside, lights on and off I go into the dark morning.